OmniTRANS 6.1.12 is now available for download. This version contains several small, but important corrections. The new setup is available from the download page.

Main Corrections

In the latest release of OmniTRANS some visualisation problems are resolved that were introduced in the prior version. The bandwidth data for links was not shown correctly all the time. 

A detailed list of all corrections in V6.1.12 can be found in the What's new section of the manual. Download your copy of OmniTRANS 6.1.12 here.

Frequently asked questions about OmniTRANS minor versions

Below you will find five questions that we often receive about our OmniTRANS minor versions.

What is the difference between an OmniTRANS minor and major version?
Approximately once a year we release a new major OmniTRANS version (6.0, 6.1, etc.). During the year, we are still supporting the previous major version and therefore we are releasing minor versions which include small fixes and features. These minor versions are released approximately every six weeks.

Can I use my current V6.1 licence on a new minor V6.1 release?
Yes, you can simply install OmniTRANS and the software will automatically recognise the licence of your previous installed OmniTRANS 6.1 version.

Can I use different OmniTRANS versions beside each other?
Yes, you can install as many OmniTRANS versions (major and minor) on your computer as you wish. These versions will not influence each other. You must of course have a valid licence for each major version.

If I use the latest release in which OtTraffic algorithmic corrections have been made, can I reproduce the results I got in an 'older' release?
Yes, each minor version of OmniTRANS 6.1 is capable of producing the same OtTraffic results as a previous minor V6.1 release and all V6.0 releases, although by default it will use the latest code. To invoke the code of a previous minor version you must set the properties: OtTraffic.modelVersion, OtTraffic.junctionVersion and OtTransit.modelVersion within your jobs accordingly. Ask your model builder, contact us or read the manual how to do this.

Contacting us: Feedback
We are happy to receive feedback from our users; suggesting new ideas or reporting problems.
You can share your OmniTRANS experiences by:

  • E-mail:
  • Skype: techsupport.omnitrans
  • Telephone: +31 (0)570 666 810